Giving is the Expressway to Building Your Spiritual Wealth


How Can I Make the Most Progress In Building My Spiritual Wealth?

We all appreciate a quick and easy route whether it’s on a highway, in our career, our net worth, or making our kids successful. However, those express lanes, are they really taking us to the destination of real happiness?   Look deeper into the lives of rich and famous, who skyrocketed to fame and fortune, and we will see that in the happiness department their quest has remained unfulfilled.

The lasting sense of peace, joy and happiness lies deeper within.  Yogic philosophy and the sacred scriptures point us continually toward a different path, but it doesn’t mean that a spiritual express lane doesn’t exist. 

The Express Lane to Happiness and Success

We hear the saying that in in giving we receive.  Without giving we are unable to grow.   Now when we talk about the greatest type of giving – giving in service to the Lord --  we receive the greatest blessings.  Through giving to God we can take the express lane to happiness and success.

Finding the On-Ramp to Building Your Spiritual Wealth

The temple serves as one of the best places to put the practice of giving to work in your life.  The temple offers many opportunities for giving and the many volunteers are living testimony to the bliss and blessings that come in return. 

Whether it is the preparation of food served at the temple, the greetings from volunteers or the joy and enthusiasm they beam as they work, their giving of themselves has become a special magical ingredient in the temple surroundings, activities, products and services.  These volunteers will share that their joy of giving has made them grow in unexpected ways.  The temple has endless opportunities for giving time and talent – give it a try!

“Between family and career I’m quite busy, but volunteering gives me a deeper sense of joy that a great professional career just cannot replicate,” shared Sunil Verma. “It’s nice to see that even the little time I can give, makes a positive impact to the temple and to my life too.”

“The sevas I’ve taken on at the temple have given me back so much in my own personal growth and I have watched others grow and blossom as well.  What all of us have gained is invaluable, noted Smita Mehta.  “The temple has made such a difference in my life that I recently decided to move closer to the temple.  My commute to work is much longer now, but being involved in the kirtan singing particularly among many other sevas brings me a joy that I haven’t experienced elsewhere.”

Giving Youth A Head Start

The temple also serves as a great way to instill the value of giving in the youth.  “Kids learn the spirit of giving by seeing all the loving service of the volunteers.  We have youth who regularly give their time and work side by side with these volunteers. These kids have a chance to develop that attitude of service and giving which is very important,” shared Veena Trivedi who volunteers regularly at the temple with her husband. “This type of atmosphere is very rewarding and nurturing.  Parents won’t find this kind of invaluable unique learning opportunity elsewhere.”

“Recently my kids became involved in the Little Hands Big Hearts initiative at the temple.  It was a real eye opener to my kids and they gained more valuable lessons in that than all the lecturing I’ve given them”, shared Mona Singh. 

Mindset & Heart Matters

The right attitude, mindset and whether or not the heart is involved in giving makes a huge difference.  Without the heart and mind in the right place the benefits of giving could be diminished.  Giving from the heart, without expectations, brings the greatest blessings. Developing the right attitude of giving and service may take time, but the more you sincerely practice giving,  the more you will accrue in your spiritual account.

More Ways to Build Your Spiritual Wealth

If time is currently scarce and volunteering may not seem like an option for you at this time, perhaps you can set a goal to volunteer at least once or twice a year to help the temple on a major holiday.  It can be fun, you will be surrounded by uplifting souls and atmosphere, and you this givies you a chance to help the temple and in turn receive the spiritual blessings.  If you prefer to do something away from the hustle and bustle of people on your own, such sevas are also available in the quietude of your own home ir at the temple.

The temple offers many other auspicious ways to practice giving so you too can have a chance get take steps toward that spiritual expressway of giving that leads us to true inner happiness.  Here are some more ideas:


  • sponsor mahaprasad, phaal phool or a special celebration;


  • buy something in the canteen or gift shop – all proceeds support the temple and you will get beautiful gift items and fresh and delicious food;





  • donate in-kind services or products from your business or have your business become a temple sponsor



Giving is the fuel that will move you along the spiritual expressway toward true happiness.  Radha Krishna Temple is God’s grace in your life – a veritable golden opportunity to build your spiritual bank account and gain innumerable blessings.


“We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.”   --Winston Churchill



